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At First State Orthopaedics, our P.A.s and N.P.s work as team members in a close and dynamic association with our physicians. We utilize a team approach at First State Orthopaedics which allows us to deliver the highest quality care available. You will find our P.A.s and N.P.s in many settings during your journey with us. You may see them interacting with our physicians while evaluating patients in the office, the emergency room, or at the hospital. They can also be seen on the sidelines of many area sporting events where they serve as the on-site medical professionals to evaluate on-field injuries and make the return-to-play decisions for some of Delaware’s most talented athletes. Our P.A.s and N.P.s work as surgical assistants in the operating room to create the safest and most efficient environment for our more complex surgical procedures. Postoperatively, the P.A.s and N.P.s will help manage your journey to recovery in the hospital, surgery center, and beyond.
First State Orthopaedics P.A.s and N.P.s also provide our local athletes with pre-participation physicals in preparation for their upcoming seasons.
Our Physician Assistants are members of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.
Meet Our Physicians